Your driver's INF file can contain INF AddReg directives that set registry values under the hardware key using INF DDInstall.HW sections. Your driver can call WdfFdoInitOpenRegistryKey and WdfDeviceOpenRegistryKey to open a device's hardware key. This release was created for you, eager to use DriverUpdate 2020 full and without limitations.
Settings related to the hardware (such as interrupt settings) can be stored here by drivers. The serial number for DriverUpdate is available. When a driver stack informs the Plug and Play (PnP) manager that a device is connected to the system, the PnP manager creates a hardware key for the device.

Your driver's INF file can contain INF AddReg directives that set registry values under the software key using INF DDInstall sections. Your driver can call WdfFdoInitOpenRegistryKey and WdfDeviceOpenRegistryKey to open a device's software key. The system stores information about each driver under its software key. Subsequently, the driver can obtain the path by calling WdfDriverGetRegistryPath.Ī driver's software key is also called its driver key. Visio and Project are not part of any suites, so they have separate MAK keys. There are MAK keys for suites and standalones.

The KMS key will enable you to activate all Office 2016 client products (Office Professional Plus, Visio, and Project). Your driver must pass this path to WdfDriverCreate. Keys can be obtained from VLSC or by calling the Activation Call Center. When the system calls your driver's DriverEntry routine, it passes the driver a path to the driver's key in the appropriate Services tree. The subkey for the driver always uses the driver's service name, even if the driver binary's file name differs from the service name. For User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) drivers, this key is located in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WUDF\Services tree, under the driver's service name.
The subkey for the driver always uses the drivers service name, even if the driver binarys file name differs from the service name. For Kernel-Mode Driver Framework (KMDF) drivers, this key is located in the appropriate Services tree for the driver. For User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) drivers, this key is located in the HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWUDFServices tree, under the drivers service name. The driver's Parameters key can contain configuration information for your driver and can be accessed by calling WdfDriverOpenParametersRegistryKey. Your driver might access the following registry keys: Drivers typically use a set of system-defined registry keys to store or access driver-specific or device-specific information.